The Hound Books Presents
Nina Burleigh, reading from her book Zero Visibility Possible, with a Q&A led by Ahu Terzi, owner of The Hound Books.
Nina Burleigh is a journalist, best-selling author, documentary producer, and publisher of a Substack on politics called American Freakshow. As a contributing editor at The New Republic and frequent contributor to the New York Times and New York Magazine, her journalism has been published widely, including in translations in the Norwegian and Italian press. She's the author of eight books on an array of topics, including archaeological forgery, scientists in 18th Century Egypt, James Smithson, Amanda Knox in Italy, and the Trump women, which were reviewed, excerpted or covered in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Nation, New York Magazine, BBC, ABC, MSNBC, and other media outlets.
Zero Visibility Possible is a dark satire about American violence and the lure of conspiracy thinking. It is the first novel in a trilogy exploring the effects of our dystopian times on inner lives.
Note: We will be serving our brunch menu during the talk.